i've heard my mother complain many a time about what's in fashion, how she's 'seen it the first time round'. in fact the majority of my clothes are salvaged from the loft. mum's old clothes, dad's old clothes and anything other unworn rejects, source unknown. my old clothes however, remain in a pile in the bottom of my wardrobe. (don't get me wrong this sounds like a very small pile, but it's a very large unused wardrobe, so it's really more of a mound.)
so i'm leafing through a fashion magazine. it's the s/s 11 round up of all the catwalk trends. i see 70's revival, maximalism, minimalism and colour.
wait, hold on. that last one, colour? i've seen that before. I'VE seen that before. infact. the page looks exactly like the bottom of my wardrobe.
i mean, orange, green, yellow, pink, more orange. i'm literally looking at my 16th birthday party.
exhibit a:
(taken from my
i was 16 years old, possibly younger. it was the year of 'nu rave'. the first series of skins had just launched.
the klaxons, the gossip and hadouken were huge.
and this was normal make up for the average 16 year old:
after raiding photobucket i found this, exhibit b:
my wardrobe pre 2008. (why i have this photo i don't know. i went through a phase of taking pictures of eeeverything.)
this is not a phase i want to repeat. i've been there, done that, and got enough strange looks to last me a lifetime.
okay so what i'm seeing now mayyy be a sophistacted take on what i wore in 2007,
but green pink and yellow? in one outfit? i'll pass on that one thanks.
although i may have to dig out these heels because they are just awesome.